Some people may find the thought of discussing a prenuptial agreement difficult and even counterproductive to the romantic aspects of the relationship. That is understandable but couples in Morristown, New Jersey, are encouraged to consider how a marital contract can be highly beneficial for their relationships. There are even some uses for prenuptial agreements today that have nothing to do with getting a divorce, making them even more positive than some people realize. Read on to learn more about how a prenuptial agreement can help you.
Estate planning help for remarriages with adult children
In today’s American society, more and more people marry later in life. Many of these people have had children from prior marriages or relationships and may even already have grandchildren. In these types of situations, it makes perfect sense that each partner in a new marriage would want to keep some special assets only for their own blood relatives after death rather than to let them go to other people. Such wishes can be clearly outlined in a prenup and help other estate planning efforts.
Help for business owners
Whether for a first marriage or a remarriage, a prenuptial agreement can outline valuable provisions related to any interest in a business. It can also outline some plans to differentiate personal property from that related to a business.
Preserving personal online reputations
With a few clicks on a keyboard and a mouse, the online reputation of one person can be severely damaged today. Many prenuptial agreements are including a social media clause in the contract. These valuable stipulations help to guard against negative posts being made on social media platforms about one person by a former partner.
It is important to note that these clauses should link any slander to potential harm, such as loss of business or other things. This type of connection can help to make such clauses more enforceable should problems actually result.
All stipulations must be reasonable
No matter what the purpose of any provision in a prenuptial agreement, the most important thing to consider when drafting such a contract is the reasonableness of all stipulations. If one party attempts to take advantage of the other the entire agreement may be invalidated.
Take the right steps
It is important for each person in a couple to have individual representation by attorneys when drafting a prenuptial agreement. Getting help up front can go a long way toward making sure a contract is valid later on.