Kris Humphries is used to facing opponents on the basketball court as a player for the New Jersey Nets, but his divorce with reality starlet Kim Kardashian is proving to be a long-lasting, aggressive match. A three-pointer for Kris in the scheme of things with Kim is not getting out of the divorce with as much money as possible. So what is he shooting for?
According to reports, Kris wants a public apology from Kim. He alleges that Kim and her Kardashian clan concocted the couple’s wedding as part of the reality show. The wedding was for ratings, media attention and money, not for love. Kris feels that he was tricked into marrying someone who only wanted ratings, while he really wanted the union to work.
Previously, Kim allegedly tried to settle the divorce by offering Kris a reported $7 million. She and Kris have very different goals now that their relationship is over. With his heart broken and him likely feeling completely made a fool of on TV, Kris wants more out of his split from Kim than money. He wants her to publically recognize that the marriage was a fraud and apologize to him and the public for her actions.
Kim wants to get the divorce over with, apparently even if it costs her millions of dollars. Not only does Kris supposedly not want her money, but he doesn’t want a divorce — which isn’t to mean that he wants to stay with Kim. He wants the marriage annulled. Because he claims the marriage was a fraud, he wants the annulment, which basically would legally recognize that the marriage was never valid.
The celebrity wedding between the basketball player and the reality TV queen attracted an abundance of media attention, and their split is no different. The duo’s divorce is turning into the thing that they have shared for the longest amount of time. But, they were married for only 72 days.
Source: New York Post, “Kris to Kim: Say it was fake,” April 2, 2012