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Ex Cons Owing Child Support Can Be Given Trade Licenses

A judge in New Jersey has ruled that the state can’t deny trade liscenses to former convicts who have fallen behind in paying child support, cancelling out a 1998 law. The law has previously prevented New Jersey’s Division of Consumer Affairs from granting a license to anyone who owed six or more months in payment. The new ruling allows the organization to give licenses to ex-convicts who have fallen behind on their support payments while serving prison sentences. It may also include people who have been prevented from obtaining their license and making their payments due to prolonged disabilities.

One man, who is currently working as an electrician’s apprentice, served ten years in federal prison and trained to be an electrician during his incarceration. Upon his release, he discovered that, under the old law, he would not be able to get an electrician’s license because he owed more than $30,000 in child support payments.

The man got in touch with lawyers in Newark who argued the case in front of a judge. They hope that this ruling can help other ex-cons who have picked up trades while serving prison sentences. The state may later appeal the ruling to uphold the old law.

A child support dispute may make it hard for the child’s guardian to pay for everyday expenses, extracurricular costs and medical needs. If an individual is owed delinquent payments, a lawyer specializing in child support may be able to assist. An experienced attorney can help look out for the best interests of the child and work to gain the back payments that are owed.

Source:, “Judge rules state can’t deny trade licenses to ex-cons who owe back child support“, Thomas Zambito, December 13, 2013

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