A common question asked in consultations is whether or not permanent alimony actually means that it is permanent. Unfortunately, although the word “permanent” implies that you will receive said alimony payments forever, it is a misnomer. It is called permanent not because you pay it until someone dies but rather because there is no set end date. If you are receiving permanent alimony, the payor has the right to have said alimony reviewed based upon a substantial change in circumstances. A good faith age of retirement would be a basis to have your alimony obligation modified and/or terminated. [posted by Lynda Picinic, Esq.]
What Should I Know About Divorcing Someone Who Is In The Military?
A divorce involving a spouse that is in the military can get a bit more complex, but it’s nothing that one of the knowledgeable Morris County, NJ divorce lawyers from our firm cannot handle. Can You Serve a Member of the Military With Divorce Papers? If your spouse is deployed or on active duty, it…