A wooden gavel rests on a sound block beside a brass balance scale, emblematic of a criminal defense lawyer's arsenal. These items, surrounded by books and papers, symbolize law and justice. The softly blurred background evokes the ambiance of a courtroom or legal office setting.

Considering Divorce? The Benefits of an Initial Consultation with a Morris County Divorce Lawyer

Serving Divorce and Family Law Clients and Their Families For Decades Across Morris and Bergen Counties

A divorce consultation can cause anxiety for those going through their first divorce because they do not know what to expect with respect to the dissolution process and the consultation itself. Many individuals are intimidated by lawyers and the legal process. Fortunately, attorneys are not what we see on television and in movies today. Townsend, Tomaio & Newmark is here to help you navigate the process and build a new a brighter future.

It is highly advisable to take the step to call us at (973) 840-8970 or fill out a contact form to schedule a free initial consultation with one of the dedicated Divorce and Family Lawyers of Townsend, Tomaio & Newmark.

Our Priority Today is Protecting Your Tomorrow

You should always when you have any questions whatsoever, go and just talk to a matrimonial attorney. Why shouldn’t you talk to figure out what your exposure is, what the problems are? You might be able to solve the issues of your marriage with the knowledge you get. Why wouldn´t you go?

One of the saddest things is when a spouse comes in and gets slammed in the side of the head with a divorce complaint. Chances are the spouse was not just waking up the day before and saying “I want to file a divorce complaint today”; so that spouse is ten months ahead of you if not farther:

  • Ahead of you in information
  • Ahead of you in philosophy
  • Ahead of you on understanding what the system is

So the sooner you realize what´s going on (you are about to walk into a Pandora’s box, a system that´s geared not necessarily to help you), the sooner you figure out the system with a divorce lawyer, the sooner you come and see someone, the better you are going be able to do to settle, the better you are going to be able to do to be prepared, and then even if nothing happens, you are ok, you just have more knowledge.

But, by seeing an attorney, seeing us, you have that safety net, if something happens along the way, and it´s Tuesday, and your spouse goes, “Oh, I want to divorce”. Don´t be in that position. Do not let yourself be in that position.

Documents to Bring to Your Initial Divorce Consultation

If you’re thinking about filing for divorce or if your spouse has initiated the divorce process, along with the potentially overwhelming nature of this major life event, you are also going to be required to gather important documents such as financial records, mortgage information, tax returns, pay stubs, credit card statements, and many other documents. While initially trying to cope with the fracture of your family as you know it, many of these tasks may seem insurmountable while you try to continue to work, take care of your child(ren), and complete day-to-day responsibilities. If you have kids, you will also need to determine a workable child custody and visitation plan. Even if you have a clear understanding of the divorce process, it can take an emotional toll on you and your entire family.

Topics to Cover During Your Initial Divorce Consultation

During the initial consultation we are prepared and you should be comfortable asking questions about attorney fee structure, divorce procedures, alimony issues, child custody, parenting time, splitting marital assets, and many more. No question is a bad question.

We understand that you do not practice law, nor do we expect you to have years of experience handling divorce cases. We are interested in working with you to create an overall strategy for the case, but it does not stop there. We want to bring the case to a positive and financially responsible resolution, while also helping our clients build a plan for themselves and their families to start shaping a new and healthy future.

Contact a Whippany NJ Divorce Lawyer Today

We hope to have you leaving the office with a peace of mind that you did not have when you first came in. You should be armed with information, understand the legal process, and have a plan that we will be by your side to help execute from the start of your case to its resolution and beyond.

Boutique Law Firm Built By Three NJ Supreme Court Certified Matrimonial Law Attorneys

Our three founding partners are each NJ Supreme Court Certified Matrimonial Law Attorneys, and have grown the firm based on this same dedication to legal knowledge, trial skills, and most importantly, ability to communicate with clients and understand their unique needs and concerns in whatever situation they may be facing.

For a free consultation with one of our Divorce and Family Law professionals today, contact our offices in Hackensack, Bergen County at (201) 285-5985 or Morristown, Morris County at (973) 840-8970. The answers to your questions are just a phone call away.

Get to know Townsend Tomaio & Newmark
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