Angela M. Scafuri is set to be a presenter at New Attorney Day, a program designed by the New Jersey Institute for Continuing Legal Education (NJICLE), a division of the New Jersey State Bar Association (NJSBA). Specifically, Ms. Scafuri will speak at the Introduction to Family Law webinar among other notable New Jersey attorneys, and intends to focus her discussion on child custody matters. The webinar is scheduled to take place online on Saturday, September 21st starting at 9 a.m. To register for the event, simply click here.
What Matters of Divorce Can be Resolved Through Mediation
Today, divorce is an issue many couples face. When it comes to divorce, there are a few different routes you can take. Mediation is becoming more and more popular as a way to settle a divorce. So, what is mediation? How does it differ from the other options? What matters can be resolved through mediation?…