A wooden gavel rests on a sound block beside a brass balance scale, emblematic of a criminal defense lawyer's arsenal. These items, surrounded by books and papers, symbolize law and justice. The softly blurred background evokes the ambiance of a courtroom or legal office setting.

Valentines Day Spells D I V O R C E For Many Instead Of L O V E

For many wealthy couples in New Jersey, Valentine’s Day is a special time to shower your loved one or spouse with expensive flowers, chocolate and maybe even some jewelry. But for some, it may also be a time when the spouse drops the ball. A forgotten Valentine’s Day or seeming indifference toward a holiday that the other spouse loves may be the final straw for a struggling marriage.

And new data from attorney referral website AttorneyFee.com may confirm that suspicion. According to the survey, there is an 18 percent increase in divorce filings in February when compared to the average month. The second half of the month — after Valentine’s Day — is the busiest half of the month, as well.

But a spur-of-the-moment for high-asset couples to divorce because of Valentine’s Day could lead to financial trouble if decisions aren’t thought out carefully. If there are prenuptial agreements or other contracts in place to protect assets, the spouse who earned a bulk of the marital assets may stand to lose a lot.

Also, it may be trouble with money that leads many high-asset couples to divorce. January is an especially popular month for bankruptcy filings, and couples who are used to a certain standard of living but are suddenly facing money troubles may find themselves unable to keep their marriage going because of the constant stress and arguments.

Whether it be Valentine’s Day or Labor Day, the decision to divorce is almost never an easy one; it is one that needs to be thought about carefully. There are complex financial matters to be addressed, and for most instances the help of an experienced family law attorney is essential.

Source: CNN Money, “Day after Valentine’s kicks off divorce season,” Chris Isidore, Feb. 17, 2013

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