Legal counsel presents to the client a signed contract with gavel and legal law

Morris County, NJ Alimony Enforcement Attorneys

Alimony agreements are a great way for divorced couples to ensure that they can maintain the lifestyle to which they became accustomed during a marriage. It may also be critical in keeping up with essential expenses such as mortgage payments, car payments, food, clothing, and much more. Often times a spouse will forego their own educational or professional aspirations in order to be a better husband, wife, or parent. Alimony agreements protect individuals who may not be able to sufficiently provide for themselves due to these sacrifices. After signing an alimony agreement, spouses are legally obligated to adhere to the terms therein. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. Due to financial, emotional, or other reasons, alimony terms may be ignored by the payor. In this case, what legal recourse is left for the individual who is depending on those payments? Fortunately, if you’re reading this, you’re in the right place. Our seasoned alimony enforcement attorneys are here to fight for you.

Alimony Enforcement Attorneys | Representing Clients in Morris County, NJ

At The Law Office of Townsend, Tomaio & Newmark, our family law and divorce attorneys have experience filing family law appeals, communicating with ex-spouses and their attorneys to find an amicable solution and even post-divorce modifications. Each client has a different set of individual needs and concerns, and we take pride in working with our clients to find the best outcome for their family’s across New Jersey.

Call our office today for a free and confidential consultation with our legal team concerning your alimony agreement and how we can ensure the terms are being met moving forward.

What Are My Options if I am Not Receiving my Alimony Payments?

There are any number of reasons why a former spouse would stop making full or regular alimony payments. Certain changed circumstances such as losing a job or suffering a serious illness or injury can easily prevent a person from being unable to earn enough money to meet their alimony obligations.

However, it is not always easy for formerly married partners to communicate and discuss this information between themselves, which is why we recommend with our Harding alimony attorneys so that we can contact your ex-spouse, and gauge the situation from a more neutral point of view.

In situations where your former spouse has a legitimate reason for being unable to make regular and complete alimony payments, it may be necessary to modify your existing alimony agreement, although arrears will still need to be paid even if a modification is necessary.

If, however, your former spouse is refusing to make payments without a legitimate reason, that becomes an issue where your attorney may need to take legal action to enforce the alimony agreement. Our experienced attorneys understand the emotional nature of post-divorce communications and will work with you in order to communicate with the other party first, clearly and calmly assess the situation, and then provide you with our informed and professional recommendation for your next steps.

Motions to Enforce Alimony Agreements

Communicating and coming to an amicable resolution to your concerns is always preferred. However, if your ex-spouse is still refusing to make timely and accurate alimony payments as per your signed agreement without providing appropriate justification, our Chester alimony enforcement lawyers can help you to file what is known as a “motion to enforce an alimony agreement”.

This motion to enforce will include your own preferences when it comes to what kind of resolution you are seeking, i.e. requesting that all late payments be made, future payments are made in a timely manner, and that your legal fees be reimbursed, to name a few. This motion is entered into the system and will officially begin the process of recovering that to which you are legally entitled as per your alimony agreement.

If the notice of motion for enforcement of the alimony agreement is found to be in good standing (that is to say, the court finds that your former spouse is not abiding by your current alimony agreement), the court may take any of the following steps as necessary in order to recoup your payments:

  • Garnishing wages in order to secure payment
  • Seizing property of the other party in order to sell the items to raise funds for alimony payments
  • Placing liens on owned properties in order to raise funds upon sale
  • Work directly with banks to deduct funds directly from checking or savings accounts
  • Find the other party in contempt of court which is a criminal offense

Contact our Morris County Alimony Enforcement Attorneys for a Free and Confidential Consultation

At The Law Office of Townsend, Tomaio & Newmark, our experienced legal team takes pride in serving clients across New Jersey. We believe in writing enforceable and protective agreements for our clients including divorce agreements, alimony agreements, prenuptial agreementspostnuptial agreementscohabitation agreementschild custody agreements, and many more. If your agreement is not being properly enforced in New Jersey, lean on our experience to work for and with you to rectify that wrongdoing.

Contact us online or over the phone at our Whippany office by calling (973) 840-8970 today for a free and confidential consultation regarding your alimony agreement and how we may be able to help you recover the payments you and your family need and deserve.

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