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Roxbury, NJ Parenting Time and Visitation Attorneys

In some child custody cases, it may be decided that a visitation schedule may need to be determined. It is important that both parents be involved and if visitation is allowed, that the parent sees the child on a regular basis. If you have questions or concerns about parenting time or visitation, turn to the experienced attorneys at Townsend, Tomaio & Newmark, L.L.C., in Morristown, New Jersey.

We are a firm focused on handling family law cases for our clients and seeing that their rights are protected. Custody and visitation matters are decided with the best interests of the children in mind, so working with the courts to see that your children are protected is a priority. Call 973-840-8970 today to further discuss your specific custody and visitation situation with the New Jersey custody attorneys at our firm.

Child Custody, Parenting Time, and Visitation Arrangements in New Jersey

Supervised Visitation in New Jersey

Certain cases may warrant supervised visitation for a short or extended period of time. However, there are ways that a parent can work toward unsupervised visits in the future. A visitation lawyer at our firm can help you understand how to deal with supervised visitation and emphasize the importance to the child of seeing his or her other parent, even if the parent is angry about the supervised nature of the visit.

The visitation may be supervised if it is shown to the court that a parent has been abusive, has problems with drugs or alcohol, or has a new spouse or partner with one of these types of problems.

Modification of Visitation in New Jersey

If a visitation schedule or visitation rights need to be changed, it is important that the courts be involved in the changes to the visitation order. If you do not go through the courts to seek the modification, the new visitation arrangement may not be enforceable. We provide representation to clients on either side of a modification — either seeking more time with your child or children or attempting to prevent more time from being ordered.

Enforcement of Visitation in New Jersey

Most cases of enforcement involve a custodial parent refusing to let the visitation take place. If this is happening to you, we can help. When there is a court order for visitation, all parties must abide by this order. The custodial parent can be compelled to produce the child and the time for the visitation to occur. If they do not, they can face serious legal consequences and the altering of the standing custody order.

Contact Our Morris County NJ Parenting Time and Visitation Lawyers Today

Contact us if you and wish to discuss visitation or other family law issues with a qualified NJ family attorney at our firm.

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