The holidays are quickly approaching, and if you are divorced, in the process of getting divorced, or have children and are separated from your spouse or significant other, it is prudent to make parenting time plans. If you do not already have a clear schedule or agreement as to who will have the children on Thanksgiving, Christmas, or over Hanukkah, now is the time to discuss the situation with the other parent and your lawyer, if necessary. If there is a dispute, you want to allow enough time to address the issue with the court if necessary, which requires ample notice. A family law attorney can help you resolve or litigate a parenting time schedule for the holidays that works for you and your family.
The Divorce Process as a Military Member | What to Know
Divorcing as a military member is a bit different than a divorce as a civilian. To learn more about these nuances, continue reading and reach out to our skilled Morris County NJ divorce attorneys. Our legal team is on your side each step of the way. All you have to do is give us a…