Father and son spending quality time together

What is the Age of Emancipation from Child Support in New Jersey?

There are many different circumstances that affect child support. In some cases, a parent may believe they do not need to pay child support anymore, while in others, children may want to be emancipated. Contact our firm today to learn more about this and speak with our experienced New Jersey family law attorneys.

When can I stop paying child support in New Jersey?

A child may reach emancipation if they reach a certain age or have the capabilities of providing for themselves. Once a child is deemed emancipated, the parents are no longer required to pay child support. It is important to note that parents are required to financially support their children. However, typically, in the state of New Jersey, once the child reaches the age of 18, they may be emancipated. In some cases, there are circumstances where emancipation ends early or may be extended.

Do not hesitate to reach out to Townsend, Tomaio & Newmark today. Our firm is dedicated to ensuring that you and your family are protected.

When is a child recognized as emancipated in New Jersey?

Not every situation is the same, which is why emancipation is considered through a variety of different factors. Some of the following can cause emancipation if the child:

  • Gets married
  • Enters the military
  • Lives independently, depending on their level of autonomy
  • Turns 18
  • Gets pregnant

The following circumstances may spark an extension for child support and a delay of emancipation:

  • Once the child turns 23, child support is no longer permitted to be requested under any circumstances
  • The child receives a higher education, such as college or trade school, and cannot yet support themselves

Is a child allowed to emancipate themselves?

If a child would like to support themselves financially, they may be able to petition the court for emancipation. It is important to know that while the child may have a long list of reasons as to why they should be emancipated, it is not promised. The court has full discretion. Additionally, it is important to note that the court has the power to un-emancipate a minor if it is found that the child is not financially independent.

If you have questions or concerns regarding how emancipation works, do not hesitate to reach out to our firm today to speak with one of our skilled family law attorneys today.

Contact our Firm

At Townsend, Tomaio & Newmark, LLC, our seasoned divorce and family law attorneys ensure that through the process of resolving your family matter, you feel empowered, not overwhelmed. Providing unwavering support, undivided attention, and unflinching advocacy, our team invests in your cause, working tirelessly to pave your path toward a brighter tomorrow. If you need an experienced legal team to guide you through your divorce, contact Townsend, Tomaio & Newmark L.L.C today.

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