When it comes to domestic violence, there are many forms of abuse. One form of abuse is financial. This may include completely controlling one’s finances or running up credit card debt, among other things. Lacking finances, or control over one’s finances, can make it feel impossible to leave an abusive situation. If you or a loved one is in an abusive relationship, it is important to know that there are resources. Read on to find out how victims of domestic violence can safely access financial support.
Temporary Alimony and Child Support
If you are filing for a restraining order or filing for divorce, you can receive temporary alimony and/or child support. This is done to protect victims from financial intimidation. If you would like to get a restraining order or a divorce, but fear that you will not be able to support yourself, know that you can be provided with financial help.
Court-Ordered Access to Bank Accounts and Credit Cards
In some cases, an abuser will take a victim’s paychecks and deposit them into an inaccessible account. Other times, an abuser will not allow the victim access to his or her own credit cards and ATM cards. In this case, a judge can rule to re-establish your access to money that is rightfully yours.
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
New Jersey offers a federal assistance program. This program provides monthly cash, short-term housing support, child care, and other support to pregnant women and adults responsible for children under the age of 19. It is important to note that income restrictions apply, but regardless, there are people and programs to help you.
Section 8 Low Income Housing
According to the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), you may be able to access subsidized housing. VAWA also prevents victims of domestic abuse from being evicted if they struggle to pay rent as a result of the abuse. While the act is called “Violence Against Women,” it applies to victims of domestic violence, regardless of gender.
Help With Buying Food
New Jersey has a food stamp program that will help you with groceries from supermarkets, farmer’s markets, and other approved stores.
Help With Health Insurance
In a domestic violence situation, you may have trouble obtaining health insurance or paying for doctor’s appointments or medications. Certain low-income individuals may be able to receive help when it comes to medical bills, doctor visits, and prescriptions.
You can speak with a domestic violence attorney anonymously to get the help you need.
If you need an experienced legal team to guide you through your divorce, contact Townsend, Tomaio & Newmark L.L.C today.