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Category: Arbitration

What Do I Need to Know About Grounds for Divorce in New Jersey?

The reasons as to why one couple may find themselves in a situation of divorce can be largely different from another couple. This is why all divorce cases are different from one another. In order to begin the process, spouses must inform the court of the reasoning behind why they are asking for a divorce. […]


Does my Divorce Have to go Through Litigation?

Going through a divorce is one of the most emotionally and financially exhausting experiences that a person can face in their life. It is because of this that many spouses hope to minimize this as much as possible. When spouses are unable to agree to the terms of their divorce, they may have to divorce […]


Choosing the Divorce Process That is Right For You

When you are preparing for a divorce, it is important to know that the process can be different for different people. In the past, divorce only existed through litigation in a courtroom with the assistance of a judge. However, this method may not work for all people. It is because of this that new methods […]


Alternative Methods of Divorce in New Jersey

Divorcing couples sometimes do not want to handle the proceedings through litigation in a courtroom. It is because of this that there are alternative methods to divorce that exist outside of a courtroom. These allow couples to discuss and handle their marital issues at their own speed between the two of them. These processes provide […]