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New Jersey Family Law Attorneys for Unmarried Parents

One of the myths about family law is that unmarried parents have no rights. Unmarried parents in New Jersey do have rights. Hiring Townsend, Tomaio & Newmark, L.L.C., to represent you during this difficult time in your life is your first step toward solidifying your parental rights.

Representing Unmarried Parents in New Jersey Divorce and Family Law Matters

At Townsend, Tomaio & Newmark, L.L.C., our New Jersey family law attorneys have years of experience representing unmarried parents with children in Morristown, Morris Township, Parsippany, Rockaway, and all other New Jersey communities. We often represent fathers who have been denied the right to see their children following the breakup of an unmarried relationship. We also represent mothers who are seeking child support or sole custody of children. No matter what issue you are facing, we offer a free initial consultation to discuss your legal concerns and answer your questions.

How Is Paternity Established in New Jersey?

In New Jersey, paternity cases are handled in non-dissolution court. Paternity can be established in one of two ways:

  • If the man admits that he is the father, the court will enter an order of filiation (also known as paternity).
  • If the man denies that he is the father, the court will order an HLA blood test to determine paternity.

Once paternity is established, the father is responsible for paying child support. He is also entitled to have visitation according to a schedule. Our lawyers will guide you through the legal steps to ensure that your rights are protected.

Enforcement of Child Custody and Support Orders for Unmarried Parents

 If you are not receiving child support or visitation to which you are entitled, our lawyers will help you enforce your rights.

Contact our NJ Family Law Attorneys for Additional Information

There is only so much information we can communicate about the rights of an unmarried parent on a Web page. The only way to receive legal advice is to discuss your case with a family law attorney. Everyone’s situation is unique, and the answer that is right for someone else might not be right for you. To schedule a free initial consultation, call 973-840-8970 or toll-free at 973-840-8970.

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