Relationships can get messy, especially when they are coming to an end through divorce. Former star football player Deion Sanders filed for divorce from his estranged wife Pilar at the end of last year. Since that development, developments continue springing up related to the celebrity divorce. And, oh boy, do they get dramatic.
Most recently, Pilar was arrested at the couple’s home for allegedly attacking Deion. To make the supposed domestic violence incident sound even worse, Deion claims that the attack took place in front of the couple’s children. Did Deion, however, contribute to the emotional damage that the reported incident may have had on their children?
Yahoo! Sports reports that Deion posted messages on Twitter about the incident. That puts a legal and very personal family matter out there for the world to see. He also reportedly posted a picture of his children filling out police reports related to the domestic violence incident. Critics worry that in doing that, Deion is putting his children in the situation of taking sides in the divorce.
Pilar is currently required to stay away from the family’s home for 60 days and to make no threats against Deion. Both she and Deion are supposed to be completely quiet about their divorce. With regards to the social media sharing, Deion’s attorney argues that the messages weren’t related to the divorce; they were connected to a new criminal matter of domestic violence.
This is obviously an acrimonious divorce, not to mention a high net worth divorce. Both parties should be relying on legal guidance that’s experienced with such complicated, emotionally-fueled family law matters.
Source: Yahoo! Sports, “Deion Sanders posted a picture of his sons filling out a police report against their mother,” Chris Chase, April 23, 2012