Getting divorced creates a twist to the decision of whether and or where your child(ren) go to school and how much towards the tuition you have to contribute. When a marriage is intact, parents have absolutely no legal obligation to contribute towards their children’s education. However, once one begins divorce proceedings the New Jersey Courts have a greater stake in how much or whether parents contribute towards their children’s education. This becomes difficult for a host of reasons. For one, after getting divorced there is often less available money for tuition. Furthermore, if a parent believes their child or children may not be ready for college, their ability to encourage their child(ren) to take time off can be limited. Of course the child’s best interest should always be of paramount concern and all of these issues can be resolved.
What to Know About Paternity and Fathers’ Rights in New Jersey
If you would like to learn more about paternity and fathers' rights in New Jersey, it is in your best interest to reach out to Townsend, Tomaio & Newmark today. Our Morris County, New Jersey child custody attorneys are here to help you. Are men's and women's child custody and visitation rights equal? After legal…