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Alternative Divorce Methods During COVID-19: Online Divorce Mediation

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic across the country, many courts have temporarily closed. This has thrown a wrench in many couples’ divorce plans, leaving them looking for options to continue their divorce. It is important to know that this is possible through online divorce mediation. Continue reading below to learn more about this process and contact a New Jersey divorce mediator for guidance in these matters.

Why Should I Use Online Mediation?

While it may seem impossible to move forward with your divorce, there are options available. They may not be what you originally intended, but there are various benefits that come with divorcing through online mediation. This can include:

  • You are in the comfort of your own home. Divorcing in a courtroom is often stressful and difficult, as it requires spouses to discuss sensitive, personal matters in a setting that is unfamiliar to them. This can cause a sense of uneasy and unclarity. However, online mediation lets you take part in healthy negotiations to work out your marital issues in your own home. This allows you to feel comfortable in a familiar place. 
  • You can eliminate travel worries. By going through divorce proceedings through mediation online, it takes away the need to travel. This allows spouses to focus on the concerns they have at hand and be fully present for their meetings with the mediator instead of worrying about having to be on time. 

How do I Prepare for Online Mediation?

While the process of online mediation may be more relaxed than a courtroom setting, you should be just as prepared so that you get the most out of the process. One of the first steps you can take to be prepared for meetings with a divorce mediator is to find a comfortable location within your home. This allows you privacy to have these difficult conversations. In addition to this, be sure any children you have will be occupied during this time so you will not be interrupted. Prepare snacks, drinks, tissues, and notepads you may need so that you do not have to get up throughout the meetings. 

Contact our Firm

If you need an experienced legal team to guide you through your family law matter, contact Townsend, Tomaio & Newmark L.L.C today.

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